Wednesday, May 11, 2011

$15.3 m contract signed for Justice Square Bridge

As part of the construction of Phase 1 of Justice Square, the Ministry of Justice today signed a contract valued at more than JMD$15.3 m for the construction of a pedestrian bridge that will connect the Supreme Court and the Old NCB Building - which is an expansion of the Supreme Court. The signing took place at the Ministry’s Head Office on Oxford Road.

The metal bridge that is to extend above Barry Street, in Downtown Kingston, will be constructed by Tankweld Limited. Construction of the bridge will begin immediately (off-site) and installation will be done within the next six months.

This project will be financed from the Ministry’s Capital A Budget for 2011/2012.

“We want to see Justice Square completed this fiscal year, and the construction of this bridge, in addition to the renovations now taking place, shows the Ministry’s and by extension the Government’s commitment to the completion of this project.

“The project is part of the Reform Policy Agenda of the Ministry to achieve fair and timely case resolution and improved access to justice by increasing the number of courtrooms and judges and the establishment of a sound court infrastructure,” said Justice Minister, Senator Dorothy Lightbourne.

Some three months ago (February 23, 2011), the Ministry signed a contract valued at JMD$399 m which initiated Phase 1 of the construction. Repair works began on both the Supreme Court and the Old NCB Building in April 2011.

The Old NCB Building will house four courtrooms, four Judges’ Chambers and two Chambers for the Masters in Chambers of the Supreme Court. The building will also house the Supreme Court Civil registry, the registry for matrimonial matters, holding areas, two witnesses’ rooms, a police post, and support areas for the full staff complement.

Similarly, the Supreme Court renovations will result in the addition of three courtrooms, three Judges’ Chambers and one Chamber for the Masters in Chambers, well as a jury deliberation room.

Following the signing of the contract, Sen. Lightbourne reiterated that Justice Square is an important investment for Jamaica as it is necessary to bring about the requisite improvements in the justice system, despite the challenging economic times the country continues to face.

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